HAN Chun-xian |
School of Tourism and Culinary Science, Tourism Management Department, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225127, China |
Abstract In a review of documents about definitions and measurable attributes of perceived value, satisfaction and tourist behavior, as well as their relationship path, this paper analyzed the multidimensional measuring content and some problems among them. They were:There were repeated measurable parts between overall satisfaction and perceived emotional value. When the overall satisfaction was measured according to balancing cost and revenue, its measurable idea was the same as the perceived value. The measurable items between attributes satisfaction and functional value were alike. Then concepts of utilitarianism tourist perceived value, tourism satisfaction and their measuring contents were suggested, the tourist perceived value were composed of function value and emotional value. The overall satisfaction was chosen to analyze relationships among tourist perceived value, satisfaction and behavioral intention. At last, a case study of Lingshan scenic spot in Wuxi city was addressed, and approaches of SEM was used to analyze the theoretical construct of tourist perceived value and influencing paths among tourist perceived value, satisfaction and behavioral intention according to the survey behavior data of domestic tourists who arrived at scenic spot. The main conclusions are as follows:perceived value of scenic spot includes of functional value and emotional value. The functional value includes of direct and indirect revenue, the former was composed of revenues of culture, natural landscape, entertainment and overall product and service, and the latter was referred to the happiness which tourists obtained from the scenic spot experience. The indirect revenue came from balancing the cost which was time and money. In addition, tourist perceived value was actively effected on satisfaction and tourist behavioral intention while the satisfaction had no relationship with tourist behavioral intention.
Received: 16 May 2014